The changing face of rewards in EMEA (part 3):

Sales incentives & effectiveness

Having an effective sales organization is your strongest asset in this highly competitive business environment, yet no function of an organization can be compromised by a rapidly changing market place faster than sales. As conditions change, the sales organization needs to adapt, respond quickly to customer needs, and be ready to take advantage of new opportunities.

In a panel discussion hosted by Mark Quinn, Cynthia Stuckey and Olivier Chanal explore though case studies and discussion what organisations can and should do to establish an effective sales compensation practice.

By joining the third session of the, you will learn more about:

  • How compensation fits into a broader sales organisation, and what levers it informs and impacts
  • What are the best-practices in sales incentives management according to recent research
  • What are the future trends in compensation within an omni-channel environment 

To access the webinar, please complete the form below.