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DE&I metrics that really matter

February 4, 2022

The one thing that will keep you from seeing DE&I progress is this: not measuring and tracking the right things. Find out what metrics really matter.


Imagine that an executive from your organization is asked about the company’s progress on DE&I.

Would they merely repeat the vision and strategy they introduced more than a year or two ago?

Or, would they be able to indicate specific metrics that have improved based on their plan?

When it comes to progress, specifics matter. Because CEOs are no longer under pressure to have a plan, they’re under pressure to show progress.

That’s why we’ve developed a methodology that helps leaders apply the same rigor to their DE&I scorecards as they do to other areas of the business – but with a tailored approach.

One size doesn’t fit all for DE&I, that’s why it can be so frustrating to track. So, our process shows leaders how to move the needle by creating their own best-in-class measurements.

If you’re accountable for your organization’s DE&I strategy, you’ll need these insights to make sure your plan is working.

Download the report to discover:

  • A 10-step process to creating your own best-in-class DE&I scorecard
  • The 5 different types of metrics to consider
  • What should be at stake and how others approach accountability

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