

Senior Client Partner, Organization Strategy

Matt has spent the past 25 years helping teams and organizations solve their most high stakes, complex performance and talent issues. He is passionate about bringing clients cutting-edge talent practices that he sees across industries. He is known for taking on tough, team and talent issues and seeing them through to completion.

Matt has experience in the areas of team development, succession planning, performance management, assessment strategy, HR effectiveness, change management, and culture transformation. He brings a practical approach to developing and implementing value-added solutions that deliver business impact.

To get to know Matt a little better, he is someone that values close, caring relationships, initiating and managing change and seeing a way when others assume there is no way.

In addition to his consulting work, Matt is energized by developing others and enjoys working with and supporting his colleagues to reach their professional goals and objectives.

Matt stays active outside of work through various foundations he supports while also enjoying as much golf as his wife and three children allow!

Matt holds a Master of Arts in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Indiana University.