Inclusion matters

A series of webinars to help organisations move from talk to action

Research tells us it’s the smart thing to do. Our hearts tell us it’s the right to do. So let’s move from just talking about diversity and inclusion. What we need now is action.

Join us and our guest speakers in our Inclusion matters webinar series for a look at what the board and leaders at all levels can do to turn their robust DE&I statements into action, start building their inclusive organisation, and creating positive change.


Part 1: Don't Talk, Do — What does an inclusive leader look like in action?

Recorded on 16 March, 2021
Organisations need CEOs to be champions of equity. It is only with their leadership that real change will happen. In this webinar, we talk about what inclusive leadership looks like in action and share what leaders can do to connect emotionally with their teams, bring them from fear and uncertainty to hope and optimism. To unleash the vast diversity of their organization’s talent.

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Part 2: Power in the Boardroom — Inclusion is on the corporate agenda. Is your board ready?

Recorded on 9 March, 2021
Diversity and inclusion is now on the corporate agenda. Leaders have the responsibility to act and the power to make a difference. But what does that really mean for the board of directors? And how can they build authentic, inclusive organisations? In this webinar, we discuss the tactics and strategies that Boards can take and how they can use their power in the right way now.

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Part 3: Stand By Me — How can you be an authentic ally?

Recorded on 5 November, 2020
What does allyship really mean? What can we do to stand by all our colleagues, regardless of gender, race, or background? To be effective partners for driving and achieving equity.  

In this webinar, we discuss how we, as individuals and representatives of our organisations, can become allies to all underrepresented groups. And we will share the actions you can take now to support change.

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Part 4: In My Shoes — Tackle the bias in your talent systems head-on.

Recorded on 12 November, 2020

Diversity and inclusion has been in the spotlight for many years. Efforts to create more inclusive organisations are clearly not suffering from a lack of attention, they are suffering from a lack of results. Why? Because the focus has often been on unconscious bias training, rather than fixing a systemic bias in talent systems. 

In this webinar, we discuss how to manage bias through the talent life cycle. We share tips on how to change behaviors and de-bias the process when making people decisions and how you can implement inclusive design principles for your talent systems.

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