This Week in Leadership (Nov 13 - Nov 19)

Why are fewer women than men trying out new AI software? Plus, what to do when you feel overworked.

Why your boss isn't very good at managing conflicts - and what to do about it. What's behind a nascent AI "gender gap" in the UK? Plus, the latest Briefings Podcast zeroes in on why so many workers feel office parties are a waste of time and why that's a big problem for leaders trying to build a collaborative work culture. 

British Women and AI: Not Yet

Only about a third of women are using AI at work or at home, less than men. Can leaders reduce an important tech gap?

Who Needs Conflict-Management Training? You Do.

Six in ten leaders say their weakest skills are in conflict management, especially as more people return to the office. Do bosses get any training?

Briefings Podcast: The (Office) Party's Over?

One-third of employees say office soirees are a “waste of time.” Here’s how leaders pushing for a more engaging corporate culture can bring back the fun.

On Display: Gritty Leadership

Korn Ferry’s Laura Manson-Smith highlights where organizations can find purposeful and authentic leaders.

5 Ways to Handle Being Overworked

Workers across industries are still reporting elevated levels of burnout and stress from being overworked.

The Art of Onboarding

Why a thorough onboarding process is a strategic imperative for business success.