This Week in Leadership (Sept 11 - Sept 17)

Companies are increasingly threatening employees who won't adhere to a return-to-work policy. Plus, how to bounce back from a work mistake. 

Will threats of pay cuts—or even firings—get more workers to adhere to return-to-office policies? What's the new top fear of CEOs? Plus, how do you bounce back from a big mistake at work? Here are some recent articles by Korn Ferry’s content team on leadership-related news.

Return to the Office… or Else

Companies in more sectors are threatening the bonuses, promotions, or employment of workers who don’t come to the office. What’s driving this?

She’s Working 9-to-5… and 5-to-9

More mothers with young children are employed than ever before, but firms are struggling to support them.

In AI Era, Cyberattacks Become the Top Firm Fear

Generative AI has given hackers new weapons, pushing ransomware attacks to the top of C-suite concerns. How can firms protect themselves?

7 Steps to Bounce Back from a Work Mistake

Everyone is error prone, even at work. Experts say handling your mistake effectively can go a long way toward building trust and growing professionally. 

Attracting and Retaining Gen Z Workers

Best-selling author Daniel Goleman highlights how purpose plays a critical role for the world’s next generation of employees.

Elevating the Impact of L&D

In a new report, the Korn Ferry Institute explores four ways organizations can increase the value of their learning and development programs.