Korn Ferry Product/Service Specific Terms and Conditions

I. Training Program Terms and Conditions
II. Assessments
III. Korn Ferry Learn Content Package Subscription
IV. Alliance Membership Terms and Conditions
V. Flex Pass Terms and Conditions
VI. Consulting Services
VII. Train the Trainer Services
VIII. IP License (KFLA Product Suite)
IX. Software as a Service (“SaaS”)  Terms and Conditions

The following Product/Service Specific Terms and Conditions apply to orders completed on a Client Order Form (“COF”) on or after September 25, 2024.

For the Chinese translated version of the terms, please click here.

For the Spanish translated version of the terms, please click here.

For the Portuguese translated version of the terms, please click here.

If applicable, please see the links below for copies of prior terms and conditions that apply to orders placed on or after the referenced date, but before the effective date above:

May 1, 2020

February 4th, 2022

July 15, 2022

June 5, 2023

October 30, 2023

August 6, 2024

These Product/Service Specific Terms and Conditions apply only in respect of the applicable Product/Service and are in addition to the other terms and conditions applying to the COF.  In the event of a conflict between the Product/Service Specific Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions, the Product/Service Specific Terms and Conditions shall control with respect to the applicable Product(s)/Service(s) only.

I. Training Program Terms and Conditions

If the COF includes any items with a Product/Service Type of “IP Program Materials”, “ILT”, “eLearning” or “Digital”, “Blended”, Facilitation or Consulting, the following additional terms and conditions apply:

1. Definitions

a. “AI System” means a machine-based system that is designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy and that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment, and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments. 

b. “Employee” means: (i) Client’s employees, and (ii) Client’s independent contractors who perform services on Client’s behalf and have entered into written agreements with Client no less restrictive than the Agreement.  Independent contractors may not be competitors of Korn Ferry or its parent company, subsidiaries or affiliates.

c. “Participant” an Employee for whom Client has purchased a license to receive training.

d. “Programs” means Korn Ferry’s training programs and training services described in the COF which include all Program Materials.

e. “Program Materials” means participant materials, facilitator materials and other course materials, whether delivered in print or other tangible media or electronically, and all modifications thereto and all derivatives thereof.

f. “Service Package” means the service support applicable to the Training Program Services subject to payment of the applicable package fees. Description of the Service Package is located here.

2. License and License Fee.  Korn Ferry grants to Client during the COF Term, a limited, non-transferrable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, nonexclusive license to use the Programs to train the Participants (the “License”) subject to Client’s payment of the license fee (“License Fee”) set out in the COF.  Each License is valid for a single Participant to participate in one Program.  Client’s obligation to pay the License Fee is non-cancellable; the License Fee is non-contingent, non-transferable, non-refundable, and fully earned by Korn Ferry upon Korn Ferry’s delivery of Program Materials to Client. 

3. Reproduction License:  Where Korn Ferry provides digital versions of Program Materials to Client for printing, Korn Ferry grants to Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to print the Program Materials in the form provided during the COF Term.  The license does not include the right to modify the Program Materials in whole or in part. Client must retain and keep visibly displayed all copyright and trademark attribution that appears on the Program Materials.

4. For “Client Hosted” Programs, Korn Ferry will provide to Client the e-learning Program Materials in SCORM or other standard format for loading onto Client’s learning management system (“LMS”) for Participant use. Client will be responsible for loading the Program Materials onto its LMS.  Korn Ferry does not guarantee that the Program Materials will work with all LMS systems.

5. Access to Korn Ferry Hosted Programs will be subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable LMS.  Access to these Programs will be available for twelve (12) months from the Start Date unless otherwise stated in the COF.

6. Licenses to SPIN® related Programs, Buyer Focused Prospecting, Buyer Focused Opportunity Strategy, or Buyer Aligned Negotiations, are not valid in Europe or South Africa without Korn Ferry’s prior written authorization.

7. Printed Participant Materials will be available at the price set forth on the COF.  If no price is included on the COF, printed Materials will be available at an additional cost, to be set forth in a separate COF.

8. AI Systems. Client must not use or input Program Materials, other Korn Ferry Material or derivatives, including New Materials that contain Korn Ferry Materials, into any AI System without the prior written consent of Korn Ferry in each instance.

9.  Upon the expiration of the COF Term, Client must destroy and remove from its internal systems any Program Materials in its possession, in any format, with no copy being retained by Client.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Participants may retain their Program Materials indefinitely for their own personal reference.

10. Orders for additional Services must be placed no fewer than 12 business days prior to the date of the relevant session or the date on which Program Materials are required to arrive.  Korn Ferry may accept orders fewer than 12 business days in advance of the session or required arrival date, subject to a rush fee and additional shipping charges to cover expedited shipping fees.  Korn Ferry will quote rush fees to Client and will not proceed with the order until Client has agreed to the rush fees in writing.   Upon Korn Ferry’s written confirmation of its receipt and acceptance of the order, the order will be binding and non-cancellable and non-refundable, and Korn Ferry will invoice Client for such Services.  Any orders will be governed by the Agreement. 

11. Rescheduling.  Korn Ferry will schedule and commit personnel and resources to provide the Services.  Korn Ferry understands that Client’s business conditions may change; however, rescheduling on short notice impacts Korn Ferry’s business and its ability to provide outstanding service to all of its customers.  Client may reschedule the provision of Services by paying the following fees in addition to the associated fees for any Services rendered.  These fees are a genuine pre-estimate of Korn Ferry’s losses as a result of such rescheduling and are reflective of the value of the lost bookings for Korn Ferry for the time scheduled and fees which otherwise have been earned by the team leader, team members and other resources, and are not penalties.  If Client fails to provide Korn Ferry with documentation, information, or access to its personnel that impacts Korn Ferry’s ability to meet the completion date or Client otherwise delays the completion date, Korn Ferry reserves the right to charge Client a rescheduling fee as set forth below. 

a.  If rescheduling more than 20 business days before the scheduled program, meeting or session, Client will pay the Actual Expenses incurred as a result of the rescheduling.

b. If rescheduling 20 or fewer business days before the scheduled program, meeting or session, rescheduling fees will be calculated based on the number of business days’ notice provided as shown in the table below, plus Actual Expenses incurred.


Length of Program

Less than 1 day

1-2 days

3-5 days

Notice from Client (business days)

















Less than 3





c. “Actual Expenses” means amounts Korn Ferry pays to others in anticipation of the Services (e.g., hotels, airlines) that Korn Ferry cannot recover on its termination of the bookings or that Korn Ferry incurs due to changes or cancellations.  Korn Ferry will charge Client for costs incurred for any materials Korn Ferry prepares (e.g., for events, workshops, meetings) if the engagement is not rescheduled within two months of the original date.

II. Assessments

If the COF includes any items with a Product/Service Type of “Assessment (Non-SaaS)”, the following additional terms and conditions apply:

1. Definitions

a. “AI System” means a machine-based system that is designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy and that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment, and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments. 

b. “Assessment Period” means the period of time beginning on the Start Date on the COF or the ordering of the Assessments and continuing for one year. 

c. “Employee” means: (i) Client’s employees, and (ii) Client’s independent contractors who perform services on Client’s behalf and have entered into written agreements with Client no less restrictive than the Agreement. Independent contractors may not be competitors of Korn Ferry or its parent company, subsidiaries, or affiliates.

d. “Report” means a report provided to Client as part of the Assessment Services.

e. “Service Support Level” means the Service Support applicable to the Services provided hereunder, which is described here.

2. Assessment Ordering.  The number of assessments ordered by Client are set forth on the COF.  The assessment volume may be increased at any time during the Assessment Period by executing another COF or written order by the Client.

3. Assessment Expiration. Client must use all assessments by the end of the Assessment Period.  Client will forfeit, and will not receive a refund or credit for, any unused assessments remaining at the end of the Assessment Period. Assessments may be utilized by Client only; they may not be transferred to any affiliates or any third parties. Once launched, assessments may not be transferred to another individual.

4. Assessment Administration. Assessment Administration will be either Korn Ferry Administered, or Client Administered as indicated on the COF.

5.  AI Systems. Client must not use or input Korn Ferry Material or derivatives, including New Materials that contain Korn Ferry Materials, into any AI System without the prior written consent of Korn Ferry in each instance.

a. “Assessment Administration” means: (i) account set-up; (ii) creating assessment events; (iii) selecting and adding competencies, capabilities or items, as defined by Client; (iv) entering assessment participants to provide or receive feedback and establishing their relationship, as provided by Client; (v) selecting and determining e-mail invitation and reminder notification content; (vi) supplying assessment event status to Client as requested; and (vii) compiling standard Reports and sending them to the applicable individual.  Client Administered means Client will perform all Assessment Administration. Korn Ferry Administered means Korn Ferry will perform all Assessment Administration.

b. “Client Administered” means:  (i) creating Assessment  Events;  (ii) selecting and/or adding competencies used for feedback; (iii) assigning Raters to Participants and establishing their relationship; (iv) selecting and/or determining e-mail invitation and reminder notification content; (v) loading Participants, Raters, and administrators into the online system; (vi) monitoring Assessment Event status; and (vii) compiling the Participant Report and sending it to the certified facilitator via electronic file.  Administration does not include developing a communication strategy or providing consulting services related to the implementation of Assessment Events or any other service not listed above.

III. Korn Ferry Learn Content Package Subscription

If the COF includes any Korn Ferry Learn Content Package Subscriptions, the following additional terms and conditions apply to such Service(s), in addition to the General Terms and Conditions:

1. Definitions

a. “AI System” means a machine-based system that is designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy and that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment, and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments.

b. “Employee” means: (i) Client’s employees, and (ii) Client’s independent contractors who perform services on Client’s behalf and have entered into written agreements with Client no less restrictive than the Agreement.  Independent contractors may not be competitors of Korn Ferry or its parent company, subsidiaries or affiliates.

c. “Participant” means an Employee who receives access to Programs and Program Materials pursuant to the license granted herein. 

d. “Programs” means Korn Ferry’s training programs and training services made available on Korn Ferry’s Learning Management System (“LMS”) as part of the applicable Content Package Subscription, which includes all Program Materials.

e. “Program Materials” means participant materials, facilitator materials and other course materials, whether delivered in print or other tangible media or electronically, and all modifications thereto and derivatives thereof.

f. “Services” means facilitation, consulting or other services provided pursuant to this Agreement.

g. “Service Support” means the Service Support applicable to the Subscription. Description of the Other Services to be provided as part of Service Support for the Korn Ferry Learn Content Package Subscription is located here.

2. Services/License Grant

a. Korn Ferry grants to Client during the COF Term, subject to Client’s payment of the applicable fee for the Content Packages (“Subscription Fee”), a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, renewable license to access the Programs to train Participants (the “Subscription”).  Use of the Service for training is limited to the number of Employees identified on the COF. Client’s obligation to pay the Subscription Fee is non-cancellable, non-contingent, non-transferable, and non-refundable.

b. After Client requests access for a Participant, Korn Ferry will provide a unique password to each user; these are Korn Ferry confidential information and may only be provided to Client Employees. Access to Programs will be subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable LMS. Client is responsible for all activities that occur through the use of password(s) and must notify Korn Ferry of any unauthorized use of which it becomes aware or if any user is no longer employed by Client.

c. Reproduction License:  Where Korn Ferry provides digital versions of Program Materials to Client for printing, Korn Ferry grants to Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to print the Program Materials in the form provided during the COF Term.  The license does not include the right to modify the Program Materials in whole or in part. Client must retain and keep visibly displayed all copyright and trademark attribution that appears on the Program Materials.

3. Printed Participant Materials will be available at the price set forth on the COF.  If no price is included on the COF, printed Materials will be available at an additional cost, to be set forth in a separate COF.

4. Orders for additional Services must be placed no fewer than 12 business days prior to the date of the relevant session or the date on which Program Materials are required to arrive.  Korn Ferry may accept orders fewer than 12 business days in advance of the session or required arrival date, subject to a rush fee and additional shipping charges to cover expedited shipping fees.  Korn Ferry will quote rush fees to Client and will not proceed with the order until Client has agreed to the rush fees in writing.   Upon Korn Ferry’s written confirmation of its receipt and acceptance of the order, the order will be binding and non-cancellable and non-refundable, and Korn Ferry will invoice Client for such Services.  Any orders will be governed by the Agreement. 

5. AI Systems. Client must not use or input Program Materials, other Korn Ferry Material or derivatives, including New Materials that contain Korn Ferry Materials, into any AI System without the prior written consent of Korn Ferry in each instance.

6. Suspension of Access to LMS Platform. Korn Ferry may suspend Client’s access to the LMS at any time: (a) to prevent damage to, or degradation of, Korn Ferry’s network integrity; (b) if Client has failed to pay any amounts for thirty (30) days after Korn Ferry notifies Client of past due amounts; (c) if Client has breached the Agreement in a way that affects Korn Ferry’s provision of the Site or infringes on Korn Ferry’s or any third party’s intellectual property rights; or (d) if Client violates applicable laws, any obligations of confidentiality or privacy to any third party, or governmental regulations, or is subject to a court order requiring suspension. If suspended, Korn Ferry will promptly restore use of the Site to Client after the event giving rise to the suspension has been resolved to Korn Ferry’s reasonable satisfaction.  Client is not entitled to a refund or credit on any fees if access to the Site is suspended under subsections (b), (c) or (d).

7. Korn Ferry Data. Korn Ferry may collect usage data and metrics arising out of Client’s use of the LMS and aggregate and analyze any such data and metrics (collectively, the “Korn Ferry Data”).  The Korn Ferry Data will be de-identified to exclude any personally identifiable information.  Except as may be necessary to provide Services to the Client, Korn Ferry will not use the Korn Ferry Data in a way that identifies Client as the source of any data included in the Korn Ferry Data. Provided Korn Ferry complies with the two immediately preceding sentences, Korn Ferry Data does not constitute Client’s Confidential Information and Korn Ferry may provide the Korn Ferry Data to third parties.  Korn Ferry may use, reproduce, distribute, and prepare derivative works from the Client Content as incorporated in the Korn Ferry Data.

8. Upon the expiration of the COF Term, Client must destroy and remove from its internal systems any Program Materials in its possession, in any format, with no copy being retained by Client.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Participants may retain their Program Materials indefinitely for their own personal reference.

9. Rescheduling.  Korn Ferry will schedule and commit personnel and resources to provide the Services.  Korn Ferry understands that Client’s business conditions may change; however, rescheduling on short notice impacts Korn Ferry’s business and its ability to provide outstanding service to all of its customers.  Client may reschedule the provision of Services by paying the following fees in addition to the associated fees for any Services rendered.  These fees are a genuine pre-estimate of Korn Ferry’s losses as a result of such rescheduling and are reflective of the value of the lost bookings for Korn Ferry for the time scheduled and fees which otherwise have been earned by the team leader, team members and other resources, and are not penalties.  If Client fails to provide Korn Ferry with documentation, information, or access to its personnel that impacts Korn Ferry’s ability to meet the completion date or Client otherwise delays the completion date, Korn Ferry reserves the right to charge Client a rescheduling fee as set forth below. 

a.  If rescheduling more than 20 business days before the scheduled program, meeting or session, Client will pay the Actual Expenses incurred as a result of the rescheduling.

b. If rescheduling 20 or fewer business days before the scheduled program, meeting or session, rescheduling fees will be calculated based on the number of business days’ notice provided as shown in the table below, plus Actual Expenses incurred.


Length of Program

Less than 1 day

1-2 days

3-5 days

Notice from Client (business days)

















Less than 3





c. “Actual Expenses” means amounts Korn Ferry pays to others in anticipation of the Services (e.g., hotels, airlines) that Korn Ferry cannot recover on its termination of the bookings or that Korn Ferry incurs due to changes or cancellations.  Korn Ferry will charge Client for costs incurred for any materials Korn Ferry prepares (e.g., for events, workshops, meetings) if the engagement is not rescheduled within two months of the original date.

IV. Alliance Membership Terms and Conditions

If the COF includes Alliance, the following additional terms and conditions apply to such Service(s), in addition to the General Terms and Conditions:

1. Definitions.

a. “AI System” means a machine-based system that is designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy and that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment, and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments.

b. “Documentation” means user guides, documentation, and training materials (including any updates or amendments thereof) regarding the Site that Korn Ferry makes generally available to its clients.

c. “Employee” means: (i) Client’s employees, and (ii) Client’s independent contractors who perform services on behalf of Client and have entered into written agreements with Client no less restrictive than the Agreement.  Independent contractors may not be competitors of Korn Ferry or its parent company, subsidiaries or affiliates.

d. “Membership” means the license and access described in Section 2 below.

e. “Other Services” means services other than access to the Site, which may include training, coaching or facilitation, which are subject to additional fees set forth on the COF, or may be subject to additional fees and terms as agreed by the Parties. 

f.  “Participants” means Employees who receive training in a Program pursuant to the license granted herein.

g. “Posted Content” means any questions, comments or other content that the Client or Employees post or enter into the Site.

h. “Programs” means Korn Ferry’s training programs, deliverables, services (including research, drafting, delivery, consulting, and customization work) made available via the Alliance service, including all related materials and Editable ILT/vILT Materials.

i. “Site” means any site or network accessed or used as part of the Membership.

j. “Editable ILT/vILT Materials” means instructor-led, or virtual instructor-led training materials that are provided in editable, native format.  This does not included articles, white papers, eLearning, microlessons or other SCORM-based files.  

2. License and Restrictions.

a. Grant of License. Upon the execution of the COF and subject to payment of the applicable subscription Fee, Korn Ferry grants to Client, and Client purchases from Korn Ferry, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, renewable license to use the Programs and Editable ILT/vILT Materials available as part of the Alliance Membership (“Membership”) solely for Client's internal use by Employees of Client during the Term. During the Term of the Membership, Client may incorporate portions of the Editable ILT/vILT Materials in Client’s training materials or translate or otherwise modify Editable ILT/vILT Materials (“Derivatives”) for its own internal use, provided that Client complies with the following conditions: (i) Client agrees to retain and keep visibly displayed all copyright and trademark attribution in accordance with Section 5 (Proprietary Markings) below; (ii) Client may not sell, sublicense, or permit the use of any or all of the Programs or Editable ILT/vILT Materials, or any Derivatives, by any third party; (iii) Client must not knowingly or willfully take any action that would cause or permit any portion of the Programs to enter the public domain; (iv) Client will obtain and maintain sole ownership of Client’s contributions to the Derivatives and will not license, assign or otherwise transfer those contributions to any third party without the prior written approval of Korn Ferry; and (v) Client may not engage independent contractors or other third parties to create or host the Programs or Derivatives or otherwise delegate any of the rights granted herein without the prior written approval of Korn Ferry. Client will be fully responsible and liable for all actions or omissions of its officers, employees, agents, independent contractors. Any copying, distribution or use of Programs or Editable ILT/vILT Materials not in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement is a violation of these license grants and an infringement of Korn Ferry’s copyrights.

b. Delivery and Access to Programs and Editable ILT/vILT Materials. Upon payment of the Membership fee, Client Employees will be permitted to access digital download versions of Editable ILT/vILT Materials and register for and access Membership Programs and services.

c. Use Restrictions. Access to the Site will be subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable LMS. Client must not, on its own or through a third party: (i) access or use the Site or the Documentation to design, create or build a service or product that is competitive with the Site, or which uses ideas, features or functions that are similar to the Site; (ii) license, sublicense, sell, resell, resyndicate, transfer, assign, distribute, lease, rent, loan, or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the Site or the Documentation; (iii) combine or permit sharing of User Licenses by more than one employee; (iv) use the Site to provide a service bureau; (v) modify, translate, or make derivative works based upon the Site or the Documentation or any part thereof, or directly or indirectly decrypt, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Site or any portion thereof or its underlying ideas, techniques or algorithms, including the review of data structures or similar materials produced by the Site; or (vi) directly or indirectly use the Site in violation of any applicable laws.  Except as explicitly granted in the Agreement, Client has no rights with respect to the Site or the Documentation.

d. Rights Notices. Client will not remove any notices or legends that appear in the Site, Documentation, or on any output of the Site (including Editable ILT/vILT Materials), that either identify Korn Ferry as the owner, or provide notice of the confidential and proprietary nature of the materials and their contents, including copyright notices, trademark symbols and notices, and notices that the materials are “confidential” or “proprietary.”  Client’s obligation not to remove any notices applies in all circumstances, including when Client copies or distributes materials as permitted by this Agreement.

e. Korn Ferry's Right to Review. Korn Ferry has the right to review the Derivatives created by Client in order to verify compliance with this Agreement, including but not limited to, compliance with Section 5 (Proprietary Markings).  In the event that Korn Ferry exercises its right to review the Derivatives, Korn Ferry will have ten (10) business days from receipt of the Derivatives to review the Derivatives and require changes to the Derivatives.  If Korn Ferry does not respond within such ten (10) day period, Korn Ferry will be deemed to have consented to the Derivative as delivered by Client.

f. AI Systems. Client must not use or input Program Materials, Editable ILT/VLT Materials, other Korn Ferry Material or Derivatives, including New Materials that contain Korn Ferry Materials, into any AI System without the prior written consent of Korn Ferry in each instance.

g. Suspension of Access to Site. Korn Ferry may suspend Client’s access to the Site at any time: (i) to prevent damage to, or degradation of, Korn Ferry’s network integrity; (ii) if Client has failed to pay any amounts for thirty (30) days after Korn Ferry notifies Client of past due amounts; (iii) if Client has breached the Agreement in a way that affects Korn Ferry’s provision of the Site or infringes on Korn Ferry’s or any third party’s intellectual property rights; or (iv) if Client violates applicable laws, any obligations of confidentiality or privacy to any third party, or governmental regulations, or is subject to a court order requiring suspension. If suspended, Korn Ferry will promptly restore use of the Site to Client after the event giving rise to the suspension has been resolved to Korn Ferry’s reasonable satisfaction.  Any accounts that are restored after suspension under subsections (ii), (iii) or (iv) may be subject to Korn Ferry’s then-current reactivation fees.  Client is not entitled to a refund or credit on any fees if access to the Site is suspended under subsections (ii), (iii) or (iv).

3. Data Usage.

a. Client Content. To facilitate Korn Ferry’s performance of its obligations under this Agreement, Client grants to Korn Ferry during the Term a limited license to use, process and reproduce, any information or data related to Client that is input or uploaded to the Site by Client, provided by Client to Korn Ferry for entry by Korn Ferry into the Site, or otherwise provided to Korn Ferry by Client pursuant to this Agreement (the “Client Content”).

b. Use of Posted Content. Any Posted Content that Client or any Client Employee uploads, enters or otherwise posts to a Site may be used by Korn Ferry in order to provide and maintain the Site, Services or Korn Ferry’s business. Client and the end user are solely responsible for all Posted Content that is shared, provided, displayed, published, or disseminated to others. By providing Posted Content to Korn Ferry, Client and Client’s Employee represent and warrant that providing the Posted Content does not violate any law, contractual restrictions or other third party rights (including any intellectual property rights). Korn Ferry may remove or delete Posted Content from the Site at any time in its sole discretion.

c. Korn Ferry Data. Korn Ferry may: (a) collect data arising out of Client’s use of the Site; (b) collect metrics and data included in the Client Content; and (c) aggregate and analyze any metrics and data collected pursuant to subsections (a) or (b) of this sentence (collectively, the “Korn Ferry Data”).  The Korn Ferry Data will be de-identified to exclude any personally identifiable information.  Except as may be necessary to provide services to the Client, Korn Ferry will not use the Korn Ferry Data in a way that identifies Client as the source of any data included in the Korn Ferry Data. Provided Korn Ferry complies with the two immediately preceding sentences, Korn Ferry Data does not constitute Client’s Confidential Information and Korn Ferry may provide the Korn Ferry Data to third parties.  Korn Ferry may use, reproduce, distribute, and prepare derivative works from the Client Content as incorporated in the Korn Ferry Data.

4. Intellectual Property Ownership.  All right, title and interest in and to the Programs and Editable ILT/vILT Materials, including, but not limited to, copyrights and trademarks therein, are the exclusive property of Korn Ferry.  All right, title and interest in and to the Client’s contributions to the Derivatives, including, without limitation, all copyrights and trademarks, are the exclusive property of Client.  The parties do not intend to create a joint work, as that term is defined under the Copyright Act, 17 USC § 101.  Each party's contributions to the Derivatives are owned separately by them and neither will have any interest in or to the other's works except as described in this Agreement.  To the extent the rights in Korn Ferry’s portions of the Editable ILT/vILT Materials vest in Client by operation of law or otherwise, Client irrevocably and unconditionally assigns such rights to Korn Ferry.  To the extent such rights are not assigned to company, Client grants to Korn Ferry an unlimited, fully paid up, royalty-free license to the Editable ILT/vILT Materials and the Korn Ferry portions of any Derivatives.

5. Proprietary Markings. Client must comply with the following requirements with respect to any Derivatives.

a. Copyright Notice.  Client must include the following copyright and proprietary notice on all Derivatives and copies of the Korn Ferry Material:

Copyright © 20___ Korn Ferry (US) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.  Without the prior written permission of Korn Ferry (US), no part of this work may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, by or to any party outside of ____________.

The year the applicable Derivative is created must be included in the copyright notice above.  For example, if the Derivative is created in 2009, the year of publication in the copyright notice must read Copyright © 1992 – 2009.

b. Client Copyright Notice.  Client may also affix its own copyright notice to the Derivatives and all copies thereof naming Client as the copyright holder of its contributions to the Derivatives

6. Indemnification. Client will defend and indemnify Korn Ferry from any third party claim that (a) any modifications or changes to the Programs or Editable ILT/vILT Materials made by Client or Client’s employees violate any privacy, confidentiality, trade secrets, or misappropriates or infringes any third party intellectual property rights; or (b) arising out of or relating to any Content or other material transmitted by Client or Client employees through the Site or Services, including without limitation any claims related to privacy, confidentiality, trade secrets, misappropriation or infringement of any third party intellectual property rights.  Korn Ferry will notify Client promptly of the claim and Client will have control over the defense of such claim(s) related solely to the Client’s actions and/or Content which do not implicate Korn Ferry’s intellectual property rights in the Programs and Services.  For avoidance of doubt, Client will have no right to control the defense of, consent to entry of judgment or agree to any settlement that would impede, modify, restrict, license or otherwise effect any rights held by Korn Ferry in any intellectual property (including without limitation the Programs and/or Editable ILT/vILT Materials) without Korn Ferry’s prior written consent.

7. Fees.

a. The Fees for use of the Services are set forth in the applicable COF. Unless otherwise set forth in the COF, Fees will be invoiced upon execution of the COF, and annually in advance for renewals, and as additional services or licenses are added.  Fees are non-cancellable and non-refundable regardless of whether Client uses the Services during the Term. If Client has received a discounted Fee in connection with a multi-year commitment, and fails to pay the Fee for subsequent years when they are due, Korn Ferry will invoice Client the difference between the standard fee and the discounted fee paid for previous years.  

b. Professional Fees and Expenses. The professional Fees for Other Services, if applicable, will be set forth on the COF. Korn Ferry assesses an administrative charge of professional fees. All professional fees are non-contingent, non-transferable, and non-refundable unless specifically stated otherwise in the COF. Korn Ferry will invoice direct out-of-pocket expenses, including consultant travel, accommodation and meals, courier, shipping, reproduction, and video-conferencing, on a monthly basis as incurred.

8. Term and Termination.

a. Term. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, the COF may not be terminated for convenience.  The initial subscription period begins on the Start Date and continues for three (3) years (unless a different End Date is set forth on the COF) (the “Initial Term”).  Thereafter, subscriptions will automatically renew for additional three (3) year terms (each a “Renewal Term”) at Korn Ferry’s then-current rates unless either party provides notice of termination at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the then-current term (the Initial Term and any Renewal Terms are collectively the “Subscription Period”). Client’s notice of termination must include written verification, executed by a corporate officer, that all Korn Ferry Material and Derivatives: (i) will no longer being used by Client; and (ii) will be destroyed at the end of the Term in accordance the Agreement.  Client is responsible for all Fees due until the effective date of termination.  Unless otherwise set forth in the corresponding COF, all payments are non-refundable and all Services are non-cancelable during any current term unless Client terminates due to Korn Ferry’s uncured material breach of the Agreement.

b. Effect of Termination. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason, all licenses granted will terminate and Client must promptly cease use of the Programs including Editable ILT/vILT Materials and the Derivatives and destroy and remove from its internal systems all existing copies of the Program Materials, Editable ILT/vILT Materials and the Derivatives.  Client may retain one copy of the Derivatives for archival purposes only and, for the purposes of maintaining employee history, Client may retain those Derivatives that are a part of Client’s personnel files.  Individual Participants are permitted to retain indefinitely for their personal reference the tangible Program Materials and Derivatives. No other use of the Programs or Derivatives after termination of this Agreement is permitted. The following provisions of these Terms will survive any termination of the Agreement: 2(f) (AI Systems), 3 (Content and Data), 4 (Intellectual Property Rights), 6 (Indemnification), 7 (Fees).

9. Warranties.

a. Korn Ferry warrants that the Site will perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation and that Services will be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner. As Client’s sole remedy for defective Services, Korn Ferry will repair or replace such Services. Korn Ferry represents and warrants that it will exercise commercially reasonable efforts, including the use of industry standard methods to detect and protect electronically delivered materials against malicious program code insertions, and Korn Ferry will not knowingly introduce into the Site or other electronically delivered materials any virus or other malicious code.


10. Korn Ferry reserves the right to substitute or migrate the Programs and features provided as part of the Membership at any time, provided that Korn Ferry continues to provide Programs and features with similar or better functionality for the remainder of the Term.

11. Rescheduling.

a. If Other Services are included within the Services, the following Rescheduling policy will apply.  Korn Ferry will schedule and commit personnel and resources to provide the Services.  Korn Ferry understands that Client’s business conditions may change; however, rescheduling on short notice impacts Korn Ferry’s business and its ability to provide outstanding service to all of its customers.  Client may reschedule the provision of Other Services by paying the following fees in addition to the associated fees for any Services rendered.  These fees are a genuine pre-estimate of Korn Ferry’s losses as a result of such rescheduling and are reflective of the value of the lost bookings for Korn Ferry for the time scheduled and fees which otherwise have been earned by the team leader, team members and other resources, and are not penalties.  If Client fails to provide Korn Ferry with documentation, information, or access to its personnel that impacts Korn Ferry’s ability to meet the completion date or Client otherwise delays the completion date, Korn Ferry reserves the right to charge Client a rescheduling fee as set forth below.

i. If rescheduling more than 20 business days before the scheduled program, meeting or session, Client will pay the Actual Expenses incurred as a result of the rescheduling.

ii. If rescheduling 20 or fewer business days before the scheduled program, meeting or session, rescheduling fees will be calculated based on the number of business days’ notice provided as shown in the table below, plus Actual Expenses incurred.


Length of Program

Less than 1 day

1-2 days

3-5 days

Notice from Client (business days)

















Less than 3




V. Flex Pass Terms and Conditions

If the COF includes Flex Pass, the following additional terms and conditions apply to the Flex Pass, in addition to the General Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions

a. “AI System” means a machine-based system that is designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy and that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment, and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments.

b. “Employee” means: (i) Client’s employees, and (ii) Client’s independent contractors who perform services on Client’s behalf and have entered into written agreements with Client no less restrictive than the Agreement.  Independent contractors may not be competitors of Korn Ferry or its parent company, subsidiaries or affiliates.

c. “Flex Pass” means a credit that may be used for a single Employee to be trained in one of the eligible Korn Ferry Programs.  Eligible Programs include project management, contract management, digital leadership, the current list for which is listed below. Korn Ferry reserves the right to amend the list or substitute Programs based on demand

d.  “Participant” an Employee for whom Client has purchased a license to receive training.

e. “Programs” means Korn Ferry’s training programs and training services described in the COF which include all Program Materials.

f. “Program Materials” means participant materials, facilitator materials and other course materials, whether delivered in print or other tangible media or electronically, and all modifications thereto and all derivatives thereof.

g. “Service Package” means the service support applicable to Flex Pass, subject to payment of the applicable package fees. Description of the Service Package is located here.

2. License and License Fee.  Korn Ferry grants to Client during the COF Term, a limited, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, nonexclusive license to apply Flex Passes toward training of Participants (the “License”) subject to Client’s payment of the license fee (“License Fee”) set out in the COF. Each Flex Pass is valid for a single Participant to participate in one eligible Program. Client’s obligation to pay the License Fee is non-cancellable, non-contingent, non-transferable and non-refundable, regardless of early termination of the COF.  Client must use all Flex Passes by the end of the Term. Client will forfeit, and will not receive a refund or credit for, any unused Flex Passes remaining at the end of the Term.  Flex Passes may be utilized by Client only; they may not be transferred to any affiliates or any third parties.

3. Flex Passes may be purchased as either Instructor Led Training/Virtual Instructor Led Training or eLearning, subject to the following:

a. Instructor Led Training/Virtual Instructor Led Training (“ILT/vILT”).  ILT/vILT Flex Passes may be used by Employees to access eligible Programs via (i) Private Instructor Led Training (ILT), (ii) Private Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT), or (iii) public ILT or VILT.

i. Private ILT or vILT sessions are subject to a 15 student minimum to be scheduled and a 25 student maximum per session. If fewer than 15 students attend, the client will still be required to utilize 15 Flex Pass credits. Multiple sessions will be required for more than 25 Participants to maintain an appropriate student to instructor ratio.  Private ILT or vILT sessions will required to be scheduled at least 30 days in advance.

ii. Public ILT/vILT trainings are subject to availability and Korn Ferry’s standard registration requirements and deadlines.

b. eLearning. Access to Korn Ferry Hosted eLearning Programs will be subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable learning management system (“LMS”).   Access to these Programs will be available for 365 days from the date a Participant first accesses the Program.  Access to eLearning Programs must begin before the end of the COF Term, or will be forfeited.  Once a Program is accessed, eLearning Flex Passes may not be transferred to another individual.

4. Reproduction License:  Where Korn Ferry provides electronic versions of Program Materials to Client for printing, Korn Ferry grants to Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to print the Program Materials in the form provided for the number of Flex Passes to be consumed. The license does not include the right to modify the Program Materials in whole or in part. Client must retain and keep visibly displayed all copyright and trademark attribution that appears on the Program Materials.

5. Printed Participant Materials for ILT/vILT will be available at the price set forth on the COF.  If no price is included on the COF, printed Materials will be available at an additional cost, to be set forth in a separate COF.

6. AI Systems. Client must not use or input Program Materials, other Korn Ferry Material or derivatives, including New Materials that contain Korn Ferry Materials, into any AI System without the prior written consent of Korn Ferry in each instance.

7.  Upon the expiration of the COF Term, Client must destroy and remove from its internal systems any Program Materials in its possession, in any format, with no copy being retained by Client.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Participants may retain their Program Materials indefinitely for their own personal reference.

8. Rescheduling.  Korn Ferry will schedule and commit personnel and resources to provide the Services.  Korn Ferry understands that Client’s business conditions may change; however, rescheduling on short notice impacts Korn Ferry’s business and its ability to provide outstanding service to all of its customers.  Client may reschedule the provision of Services by paying the following fees in addition to the associated fees for any Services rendered.  These fees are a genuine pre-estimate of Korn Ferry’s losses as a result of such rescheduling and are reflective of the value of the lost bookings for Korn Ferry for the time scheduled and fees which otherwise have been earned by the team leader, team members and other resources, and are not penalties.  If Client fails to provide Korn Ferry with documentation, information, or access to its personnel that impacts Korn Ferry’s ability to meet the completion date or Client otherwise delays the completion date, Korn Ferry reserves the right to charge Client a rescheduling fee as set forth below. 

a.  If rescheduling more than 20 business days before the scheduled program, meeting or session, Client will pay the Actual Expenses incurred as a result of the rescheduling.

b. If rescheduling 20 or fewer business days before the scheduled program, meeting or session, rescheduling fees will be calculated based on the number of business days’ notice provided as shown in the table below, plus Actual Expenses incurred.


Length of Program

Less than 1 day

1-2 days

3-5 days

Notice from Client (business days)

















Less than 3




c. “Actual Expenses” means amounts Korn Ferry pays to others in anticipation of the Services (e.g., hotels, airlines) that Korn Ferry cannot recover on its termination of the bookings or that Korn Ferry incurs due to changes or cancellations.  Korn Ferry will charge Client for costs incurred for any materials Korn Ferry prepares (e.g., for events, workshops, meetings) if the engagement is not rescheduled within two months of the original date.


Course/Product Title

Program Area

Aligning Work With Strategy

ASEP (Digital Leadership)

Building Effective Teams

ASEP (Digital Leadership)

Delivering Business Value

ASEP (Digital Leadership)

Design Thinking For Results

ASEP (Digital Leadership)

Driving and Influencing Change

ASEP (Digital Leadership)

Influencing Without Authority

ASEP (Digital Leadership)

Making Sense of Complexity

ASEP (Digital Leadership)

Managing Critical Relationships

ASEP (Digital Leadership)

Analyzing Benefits and Refining Solutions

Business Analysis

Business Data Modeling

Business Analysis

Business Process Modeling

Business Analysis

Defining Business Needs and Solution Scope

Business Analysis

Developing Use Cases

Business Analysis

Eliciting and Managing Requirements

Business Analysis

Enterprise Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Facilitation Techniques for Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Fundamentals of Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Testing Techniques for Tracing and Validating Requirements

Business Analysis

Budget and Financial Management

Business Skills

Coaching and Mentoring for Improved Performance

Business Skills

Communicating Up: Winning Strategies for Successful Executive Conversations

Business Skills

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Business Skills

Establishing a Business Mindset

Business Skills

High-Impact Communication

Business Skills

Taking Charge of Organizational Change

Business Skills

Contract Pricing

Contract Management

Federal Contracting Basics

Contract Management

Managing Service Level Agreements

Contract Management

Negotiation Strategies and Techniques

Contract Management

Operating Practices in Contract Administration

Contract Management

Source Selection: The Best-Value Process

Contract Management

Vendor Performance Management

Contract Management

Cost Estimating

Contract Management

Agile Practices for Product Owners

Lean and Agile

Agile Projects: Keys to Getting Started

Lean and Agile

Continuous Improvement with Lean and Kanban

Lean and Agile

Delivering Agile Projects with Scrum

Lean and Agile

Developing Agile Requirements

Lean and Agile

Estimating and Planning Agile Projects

Lean and Agile

Fundamentals of DevOps

Lean and Agile

Fundamentals of Lean and Agile

Lean and Agile

Iterative Delivery with Scrum and Kanban

Lean and Agile

Lean and Agile for Executives

Lean and Agile

Lean and Agile Project Management

Lean and Agile

Project Portfolio Management Using Agile

Lean and Agile

Aligning Project Management with Organizational Strategy

Project Management

Contract Management Principles and Practices

Project Management

Fundamentals of Project-Based Work

Project Management

Introduction to Project Management

Project Management

IT Risk Management

Project Management

Leading Complex Projects

Project Management

Managing IT Projects

Project Management

Managing Projects

Project Management

Negotiation Skills for Project Managers

Project Management

Planning and Managing Projects

Project Management

Program Management

Project Management

Project Leadership, Management and Communications

Project Management

Project Management Applications

Project Management

Project Management for Non-Project Managers

Project Management

Project Management Fundamentals

Project Management

Project Planning, Analysis and Control

Project Management

Quality for Project Managers

Project Management

Rapid Assessment and Recovery of Troubled Projects

Project Management

Risk Management

Project Management

Scheduling and Cost Control

Project Management

Stakeholder Management

Project Management

Unlocking the Power of Earned Value Management

Project Management

Writing Statements of Work: The Heart of Any Contract

Project Management




Course/Product Title

Program Area

Advanced Source Selection

Contract Management

Applied Administration of Government Contracts

Contract Management

Contract Closeout

Contract Management

COR Level 1 Training

Contract Management

COR Training Program (Level 2)

Contract Management

FAR Part 15: Negotiated Acquisition

Contract Management

Federal Appropriations Law

Contract Management

Government Contract Law

Contract Management

International Contracting

Contract Management

Managing Cost-Reimbursement Contracts

Contract Management

Managing Performance-Based Service Awards

Contract Management

Market Research and Commercial Item Acquisition

Contract Management

Performance-Based Acquisition: Preparing Work Statements

Contract Management

Project Management for Contracting Professionals

Contract Management

Source Selection Essentials: Planning, Conducting, Debriefing

Contract Management

Subcontract Management in Government Contracting

Contract Management

Acquisition for Federal Government Project Managers (FPM 112)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Advanced Acquisition for Federal Government Project Managers (FPM 312)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Advanced Earned Value for Federal Government Project Managers (FPM 313)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Applied Acquisition for Federal Government Project Managers (FPM 212)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Applied Earned Value for Federal Government Projects (FPM 213)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Applied Project Management for the Federal Government (FPM 211)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Fundamentals of Project and Program Management (FPM 121)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

IT PM: Core Principles and Processes (FPM 403)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

IT PM: Management and Resources (FPM 401)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

IT PM: Operations and Security (FPM 402)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Leading Federal Government Project Managers (FPM 314)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Leading Federal Government Projects (FPM 114)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Leading Federal Government Projects II (FPM 214)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Managing Federal Government Projects (FPM 111)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Program Management for the Federal Government (FPM 311)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

Scheduling and Cost Control for Federal Government Projects (FPM 113)

Federal Project Management (FAC-PPM)

VI. Consulting Services

If the COF includes Consulting Services, the following additional terms and conditions apply to those Services, in addition to the General Terms and Conditions:

1. AI Systems. Client must not use or input Korn Ferry Material or derivatives, including New Materials that contain Korn Ferry Materials, into any AI System without the prior written consent of Korn Ferry in each instance.  “AI System” means a machine-based system that is designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy and that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment, and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments.

2. Rescheduling.  Korn Ferry will schedule and commit personnel and resources to provide the Services.  Korn Ferry understands that Client’s business conditions may change; however, rescheduling on short notice impacts Korn Ferry’s business and its ability to provide outstanding service to all of its customers.  Client may reschedule the provision of Services by paying the following fees in addition to the associated fees for any Services rendered.  These fees are a genuine pre-estimate of Korn Ferry’s losses as a result of such rescheduling and are reflective of the value of the lost bookings for Korn Ferry for the time scheduled and fees which otherwise have been earned by the team leader, team members and other resources, and are not penalties.  If Client fails to provide Korn Ferry with documentation, information, or access to its personnel that impacts Korn Ferry’s ability to meet the completion date or Client otherwise delays the completion date, Korn Ferry reserves the right to charge Client a rescheduling fee as set forth below. 

a.  If rescheduling more than 20 business days before the scheduled program, meeting or session, Client will pay the Actual Expenses incurred as a result of the rescheduling.

b. If rescheduling 20 or fewer business days before the scheduled program, meeting or session, rescheduling fees will be calculated based on the number of business days’ notice provided as shown in the table below, plus Actual Expenses incurred.


Length of Program

Less than 1 day

1-2 days

3-5 days

Notice from Client (business days)

















Less than 3





c. “Actual Expenses” means amounts Korn Ferry pays to others in anticipation of the Services (e.g., hotels, airlines) that Korn Ferry cannot recover on its termination of the bookings or that Korn Ferry incurs due to changes or cancellations.  Korn Ferry will charge Client for costs incurred for any materials Korn Ferry prepares (e.g., for events, workshops, meetings) if the engagement is not rescheduled within two months of the original date.

VII. Train the Trainer Services

If the COF includes Train the Trainer Services, the following additional terms and conditions apply to those Services, in addition to the General Terms and Conditions:

1. Client’s internal, employee trainer candidates must successfully complete the certification process before they are certified to present the training to your participants (“Certified Client Facilitators”). If Client’s internal, employee trainer candidates do not meet the certification requirements, Korn Ferry’s master trainer will provide a follow up plan for final certification of the internal trainers requiring additional support.

2. Client understands and acknowledges that Certified Client Facilitators may only train Client’s employees in connection with Certified Client Facilitator’s current employment, and may not utilize the trainings, work product or methodologies in conjunction with any consulting or training services outside of their employment with Client. Client also agrees to pay the applicable fees for each Participant who attends a training session conducted by Certified Client Facilitators and provide each Participant with appropriate Participant materials, which may not be modified, translated or otherwise used to create derivative works. Further, Certified Client Facilitators may not certify others as instructors in their organization.

3.  AI Systems. Client must not use or input Korn Ferry Material or derivatives, including New Materials that contain Korn Ferry Materials, into any AI System without the prior written consent of Korn Ferry in each instance.  “AI System” means a machine-based system that is designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy and that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment, and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments.

VII. IP License (KFLA Product Suite)

If the COF includes any items with a Product/Service Type of “IP License (KFLA Product Suite)” the following additional terms and conditions apply:

1. Unless otherwise stated in the COF, the Korn Ferry Materials delivered pursuant to the IP License (KFLA Product Suite) will be provided in MS Excel format.

2. Grant of License.

a. Subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, Korn Ferry grants to Client, and Client purchases from Korn Ferry, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, renewable license to use the Korn Ferry Material during the Term. Use of the Korn Ferry Material is limited to the number of Employees of Client. Client will not use the Korn Ferry Material as the sole basis for any employment action, including hiring or termination relating to any actual or potential Employees. During the Term, Client is allowed to: (i) create printed and electronic materials derived from or incorporating the text of the Korn Ferry Material (collectively, the “Derivatives”); (ii) reproduce the Derivatives in paper and electronic form; (iii) use and provide access to the Korn Ferry Material and Derivatives for the number of Employees listed in this; and (iv) use and display the Korn Ferry Material and Derivatives for Client’s internal business purposes only. Absent any additional license, neither the Korn Ferry Material nor the Derivatives may be used in any multi-rater assessment including a 360-degree or other multi-rater feedback instrument; the only feedback use permitted under this Agreement is use of the Derivatives for annual performance appraisal involving the Employee who is the subject of the appraisal and his/her supervisor(s). Unless otherwise authorized by Korn Ferry in writing, only Employees may access the Services or utilize the Korn Ferry Material.

b. Derivative Works and Copies. When applicable, the Derivatives may be created in English and any other language(s) stated in the COF only; any use of or translation of the Korn Ferry Material to other language(s) will require a separate license and fee.

c.  AI Systems. Client must not use or input Korn Ferry Material or Derivatives, including New Materials that contain Korn Ferry Materials, into any AI System without the prior written consent of Korn Ferry in each instance.  “AI System” means a machine-based system that is designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy and that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment, and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments.

3. Term

a. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, this COF may not be terminated for convenience. Unless a different Term is set forth on the COF, the term of this license begins upon the Start Date and continues for three (3) years. Thereafter, this COF will automatically renew for additional three (3) year terms at Korn Ferry’s then-current rates unless Client provides notice of termination according to the terms below.

b. Renewal. Client may indicate its desire to not have this COF automatically renew by providing written notice to Korn Ferry at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the then-current term.  All notices must be accompanied by written verification, executed by a corporate officer, that all Korn Ferry Material and Derivatives: (a) are no longer being used by Client and (b) have been destroyed in accordance with this COF.  Client is responsible for all fees due until the effective date of termination.

c. Effect of Termination.  Upon termination for any reason or expiration of this COF as applicable, all licenses automatically terminate. Client must promptly cease use, and destroy all existing copies, of the Korn Ferry Material, including Program Materials, and the Derivatives.  Client may retain one copy of the Derivatives for archival purposes only. Client may also retain those Derivatives that are a part of Client’s personnel files to maintain employee history.  Participants in a training Program may retain their Program Materials indefinitely for their own personal reference. No other use of the Korn Ferry Material or Derivatives after termination of this COF is permitted.

5. “Fee” means the Fee identified in the COF for the IP License (KFLA Product Suite). The Fee will be invoiced upon execution of the COF. Client’s payment of the Fee allows Client to continue using the Korn Ferry Material and the Derivatives during the period of time for which the Fee is paid. All fees are non-cancellable, non-contingent and non-refundable.

IX. Software as a Service (“SaaS”)  Terms and Conditions

If the COF includes any items with a Product/Service Type of “SaaS”, the following additional terms and conditions apply to such Product(s)/Service(s). Click here to learn more.

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